Kerri-anne Telford Paediatric Occupational Therapy offers a range services, including sessions run in the sensorygym/play room at the clinic or sessions in the community; such as schools, kinder and childcare. Occupational therapy sessions are goal-directed and emphasize the importance of the child’s ability to feel good about their own self and achieve a higher level of skill mastery – be it play or motor skill development or being calm and engaged in their world. The goal of therapy is to provide the child with the right challenges to move to move him or her forward developmentally and for therapy to be rewarding and fun. We foster positive relationships between the parent, child and therapist as recognised in best practice. Children typically love their therapy sessions and they can’t wait to come back again.
Our services include:
Assessment, including screening and formal assessment
Therapy sessions in-clinic: 60 or 45 minutes
Social skills groups
Childcare, kinder and school visits including observations and recommendations
School holiday intensives
Attendance at team management meetings, such as ILP meetings
Parent education
Teacher education
Educational presentations to kindergartens and schools.
Home visits where required.
Our services are open to all ages and stages from 0-18.